
Lesson Learned from COVID-19: Knowledge is power to stay safe in an unprecedented emergency!

Lesson Learned from COVID-19: Knowledge is power to stay safe in an unprecedented emergency!

The world continues to battle an unthinkable health crisis caused by a previously unknown virus, unpredictable in its behavior and unfamiliar to our body’s normal defense mechanisms. Hospitals are stretched beyond their limits and struggling with reduced staff, creating a scenario where the security of radiation sources are at higher risk. Criminals and adversaries are taking advantage of the crisis to perpetrate computer scams and cyber-attacks; radiation thieves could do the same. With police and public safety personnel getting disproportionately sick, could we successfully recover stolen radioactive material? If not, placement of radiation emitting devices or the unexpected detonation of a dirty bomb during this crisis could throw the world into greater chaos.

Fortunately, Image Insight has developed the patented GammaPix™ software that enables standard, unmodified smartphones, webcams, and CCTV security cameras to detect and measure ionizing radiation to help prevent such thefts. GammaPix software runs on unmodified smartphones and computers to analyze digital video from mobile devices, netcams, and CCTV security cameras to detect and measure radioactivity. The GammaPix Pro™ app runs automatically every 5 to 30 minutes to detect threats and keep people safe.