Chance favors the prepared

“The United States is wiring Ukraine with sensors that can detect bursts of radiation from a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb….the goal is to make sure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on Ukrainian soil, its atomic signature and Moscow’s culpability could be verified.”

— from

The placement of these nuclear detonation sensors is a positive step to ensure nuclear forensic capability is in place to ensure attribution should a nuclear or radiological attack occur. Doing so enhances deterrence. However, to preserve life more immediate tactically-relevant radiological detection must exist. Studies throughout the Cold War determined approximately 90% of expected casualties from acute radiation exposure could be avoided if communities are properly informed about whether to shelter in place or to evacuate. People must be protected and we have technology options to help them.

Studies throughout the Cold War determined approximately 90% of expected casualties from acute radiation exposure could be avoided if communities are properly informed about whether to shelter in place or to evacuate.
The problem has always been how to quickly communicate what is fundamentally unique to each person’s specific location relative to the radiation distribution, access to basements in strong well-shielded structures, access to needed medical care, and many other factors. It is impossible for authorities to provide complete and actionable answers to an impossible-to-predict event.
While the ultimate answer to the shelter or evacuate decision will always be dependent on many variables, First Responders and families can at least be informed of their unique circumstance if they acquire and learn to use a radiation detector. Whether using a dedicated detector from a hardware vendor or leveraging a smartphones’ inherent detection capability, learn to use your instrument before you are exposed to radiation. It is a simple precaution to maximize your security and that of your family, friends, and those who depend on you.

GammaPix Pro

Officials interested in deploying GammaPix Pro™ to enhance their civil defense posture
may contact us at
Individuals seeking personal knowledge of their radiological
environment should use the GammaPix software that best fits their need


Civil Defense for Nuclear & Radiological Emergencies Begins with Knowledge

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing ongoing worries as to whether the war will escalate into a limited nuclear conflict, or worse. The Ukrainian government and its coalition of allies work to thwart Russian aggression. However, the civilian population continues to suffer and remains at risk from potential battle damage to the Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and from the specter of nuclear weapon employment. Cold War studies of the risk to civilian populations found that roughly 90% of potential fatalities following a nuclear strike can be avoided if people know whether they should shelter in place or evacuate. Rules of thumb exist, but the specific situation of each person matters.

Do you have a basement that can be sealed?

Are you in a wooden house or a reinforced structure?

Are you within a fallout plume?

How far are you from areas that are not contaminated?

Would you have to sit in an unshielded vehicle in traffic while crossing a contaminated area? For how long?

Are you a civilian or military rescue worker executing a critical mission?

There are so many variables that even experts can only offer general guidelines. What would help?

To improve your chance of surviving a radiological emergency, you need to know the radiation dose rate where you are and where you might travel through. If you don’t have a dedicated radiation monitoring device, what can you do?

Get GammaPix™ software.

GammaPix Pro

Officials interested in deploying GammaPix Pro™ to enhance their civil defense posture may contact us at

Individuals seeking personal knowledge of their radiological environment should use the GammaPix software that best fits their need

Android: and


What would you do during a nuclear emergency?

If there is a nuclear or radiological emergency, what should you do?

There is not a single answer for all situations. Managing personal exposure to radioactivity during an ionizing radiation hazard depends on several factors. Depending on where you are, official communications may offer the best and most timely advice, however, there are times, places, and situations where you may not have access to good guidance. Knowledge and information you have ready access to may be your best alternative in a bad situation.

The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) published a fact sheet ( that offers a short guide to key concepts related to threats from radioactivity and how to reduce those dangers. A few key points are:

Minimize exposure: Ways to reduce danger from ionizing radiation include: increase the distance to a radioactive source, increase the amount of shielding material (for example, walls, dirt, even trees) between the source and your body, and reduce the amount of time spent close to the source(s) of radiation.

Shelter in place: In many circumstances, you will be safer inside a sealed building rather than outside attempting to evacuate. A sturdy building or a basement offers shielding, whereas pedestrians and people in cars have virtually no protection. However, some structures may not provide sufficient protection relative to the threat. This uncertainty is best met with more knowledge.

Knowledge is power: Use of a detector to measure radiation may provide you with an enhanced understanding of your environment. Access to dedicated radiation detector (Geiger Counter, Scintillator, etc.) can often provide high-precision data with which you can assess outside vs. inside radiation levels. With that knowledge, you can make better decisions about whether to shelter in place or evacuate. However, many people lack such detectors. Image Insight Inc produces GammaPix™ software that uses unmodified digital cameras as a sensor to measure ionizing radiation dose rate. While not a replacement for dedicated and calibrated detectors, smartphones running GammaPix apps and computers running GammaPix software on digital video has been repeatedly proven to be a cost-effective way to detect radiological threats. GammaPix software has twice been designated a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT) under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security administered SAFETY Act program.

The time to prepare is now: To be ready for an emergency, you need to first learn the basics and then get your tools and supplies in order.

Read the FEMA fact sheet and gather more information from reputable sources.

Get a detector or install GammaPix so you are ready before there’s a problem

Nuclear emergency? There really is an app for that!

GammaPix Pro

Organizations interested in deploying GammaPix Pro™ may contact us at

Android: and


Increasing Risk of Dirty Bomb Threats

These are difficult times, especially in the war torn areas of #Ukraine. In the past several weeks, battlefield weapons have been unleashed not just on the peaceful Ukrainian defense forces, but on their cities and civilians. We have seen a fueled and functioning nuclear power plant shelled by artillery and rockets, a nuclear research center pillaged, and the site of the worst nuclear disaster become a war zone. Now we find that more than a hundred radioactive sources may have been stolen as the Russian army withdrew. These stories and the potential for additional radiological hazards increase our worry. Indeed, in an April 2022 report, the U.S. Government Accounting Office states, "The risks of a dirty bomb attack are increasing and the consequences could be devastating."

Is there anything we can do to protect our families? Our communities? Our towns and cities?

Civil defense starts with knowledge. If there is a radiological or nuclear incident, knowing where there is danger is critically important. GammaPix™ apps give you radiological awareness using your unmodified smartphone.

We may not know what happens next, but you can download Image Insight Inc.’s free smartphone App, called GammaPix Lite™, which enables unmodified devices to detect gamma radiation anytime and anywhere to protect people and places all the time.

We have temporarily reduced the price of the full Android and iOS versions by more than 50%. They can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores:


Organizations interested in deploying GammaPix Pro™ may contact us at

Lesson Learned from COVID-19: Knowledge is power to stay safe in an unprecedented emergency!

Lesson Learned from COVID-19: Knowledge is power to stay safe in an unprecedented emergency!

The world continues to battle an unthinkable health crisis caused by a previously unknown virus, unpredictable in its behavior and unfamiliar to our body’s normal defense mechanisms. Hospitals are stretched beyond their limits and struggling with reduced staff, creating a scenario where the security of radiation sources are at higher risk. Criminals and adversaries are taking advantage of the crisis to perpetrate computer scams and cyber-attacks; radiation thieves could do the same. With police and public safety personnel getting disproportionately sick, could we successfully recover stolen radioactive material? If not, placement of radiation emitting devices or the unexpected detonation of a dirty bomb during this crisis could throw the world into greater chaos.

Fortunately, Image Insight has developed the patented GammaPix™ software that enables standard, unmodified smartphones, webcams, and CCTV security cameras to detect and measure ionizing radiation to help prevent such thefts. GammaPix software runs on unmodified smartphones and computers to analyze digital video from mobile devices, netcams, and CCTV security cameras to detect and measure radioactivity. The GammaPix Pro™ app runs automatically every 5 to 30 minutes to detect threats and keep people safe.