Protecting Transportation from Terrorists


Transportation infrastructure provides numerous high profile targets for terrorist REDs and Dirty Bombs

Airports and train stations, as well as the airplanes, trains and buses where many people gather, are high profile terrorist targets. The Department of Health and Human Services has identified Radiological Exposure Devices (REDs) and Dirty Bombs, also called Radiological Dispersive Devices (RDDs), made using sources stolen from a hospital, as significant threats.  

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In a RED, radioactive material is placed in a public location, out of sight. A hospital source could be made into 200 REDs that are potentially lethal with an hour of exposure at close range. REDs produced from a single hospital source could poison thousands of speactators. In a Dirty Bomb, the radioactive material is dispersed with a conventional explosive leading to potentially widespread contamination.

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GammaPix protection from REDs

Surveillance cameras already installed in airports and train stations, if equipped with GammaPix software can spot a RED from 100 yards away in under a minute. Surveillance cameras aboard trains and buses are now common and these can provide another layer of protection from radiological threats. In addition, the on-board cameras can detect radioactive sources in a 200 foot wide corridor through which they pass.



Data Collection at the Command Center

With GammaPix installed, fixed and onboard video security cameras transmit video data plus time and location tagged radioactivity data to a Command Center. In the event an elevated level of radioactivity is detected, an Incident Commander can quickly asses the location and extent of the danger. Advanced features then allow the Incident Commander to trigger rapid measurements to facilitate tracking the radiological source and monitoring the dose received by security personnel.